Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Personal Cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing

What does it mean to cleanse yourself? Anyone?? I know what your thinking.." It is when you take a bath or shower and clean yourself".. Yes and no. The type of cleansing I am talking about is more then just a mere shower or bath. Although in some cases it is a bath or shower, but not a normal bath or shower. I use two ways to spiritually cleanse myself, there may be more ways out there I am sure, these two ways are by no means the only methods out there. I use a spiritual bath/shower, or a spell or ritual.

A spiritual bath, also called a cleansing bath, can be done when you perform a magickal working, or a quick way to rid yourself of the nasty little negative bugs you collected throughout your day. These baths are meant to relax and discard negative energies by using scented soaps, herbs, oils, or scented bath salts to cleanse your mind and body. This can be done before you do any type of ritual work, spell work, or house cleaning, both mundane and spiritual. Just make sure not to clean the bath tub first before you do a house cleaning. 

Another way of cleansing yourself, which I do before I do any type of house cleansing, is by spell or ritual form. Any kind of release spell or ritual should be done during the Full or Waning moon phases before the house cleansing. I usually do the spell a night or two before the New Moon, when a house cleaning is done. 

If you can possibly try, if you can, to do a personal cleansing before you begin cleansing your home. ( A spiritual bath is okay to do any moon phase since the oils, herbs and salts absorb the negative energy, but be sure to clean the tub as son as you are done.) If you do a spell or ritual to clean yourself of negative energy, then I suggest doing that a day or two before the new moon like I said above. If you clean your home both mundane and spiritually before you do the spell, releasing the negative energy from your body into the new positive energy of your home. Now you  have a new set of nasties floating about trying to latch onto the first spec of dust it can. There you go again sage wand and feather, cleansing all over again.

I do a personal/spiritual cleansing at least once a month or whenever I feel icky from a stressful day. If you live with others who are open to your path, lucky you!  Everyone in your home should cleanse themselves. If you do not live with others who are open, then try to stay clear of their negative behavior, and cleanse yourself when you see fit.

Here is a spell I use on me and my family before I do a house cleansing.

A Spell To Release Negativity

1 white candle
1 bay leaf
White flowers, preferably carnations 

When: the Waning Moon

* If the situation is pressing, you can do this spell anytime. But any spell used to release or cleanse is most powerful during the Waning Moon.

Place the bay leaf next to the vase of flowers and light your candle. Say aloud:

I now release (name situation)
and create positive energy to carry me forward.
I trust this is for my highest good
and I affirm my commitment to this new path.
I say so be it!

Let the candle burn out on its own. Toss out the bay leaf with the flowers when they die.

Remember there is many different methods to do a personal cleansing. In no way is this method the only one. I hope this spell can be useful to you and I enjoyed making this blog. Until next time!!

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