Thursday, August 1, 2013

House Cleaning Part 1

Mundane Home Cleaning

Is keeping your home clean and free of clutter an important part of practicing witchcraft? Well that just depends on the person who is practicing. Not everyone who practices magick is a house cleaner. Your parents may clean the home, your roommate, spouse, or your kids. Not everyone who practices magick sees house cleaning important. What makes it important? How does removing clutter help me in my practice?

I use to ask the same questions. How and why. I myself do not like cleaning at all. I dreaded the days I had to clean. Then I read about cleaning your home spiritually. It basically said clean the entire house inside and out. It told me to get rid of everything unused and broken. I am not saying you "have" to do anything, but when I began house cleaning, I understand how it helps.

Wicca, pagans and witches, believe that everything affects the energy around us. Some of us believe everything has an energy field. Why would we not want to keep the area we live in clean? Dust is not really harmful, but can be a troubling at times. It is not very appealing, and for those of us who suffer from allergies know how troubling that can be. Dust is a collector itself. It can collect any negative energies left over from fights and bad days. 

As much as it may suck house cleaning is important. Not only does it make your home look better it also keeps the energy of the home clean and removes negative energy away. I dust my home about once a month. My home seems to attract a lot of dust lol. But I am not just talking about dusting here.

I deep clean my home every four to six months, depending how dirty it feels. Most people already do this, some may only do it once. This is also called Spring Cleaning. This is usually the time when people clear out old and unwanted things, clutter out of the garage, and empty those drawers full of things expired or old. Garage sales are usually in result to home cleanings lol. 

Believe it or not the energy in your home affects your personal energy as well. You feed each other energy on a daily basis.  I believe you reflect the energy of your home and your home reflects the energy from you. When dust and clutter collect, the energies you bring home will release from your energy field and be caught by the dust or trapped by the clutter. That fight you and your partner had two weeks ago is still wondering about the house riding every piece of dust it can. That boss that chewed you out for not begin in on time making you feel small and helpless. You guessed it. It is still lurking about in your home. Removing dust and clutter doesn't keep these energies from ever coming back, nor does it in any way repel these energies. It just simply removes them from the area you clean. I, when I major house clean, also dust every month to keep dust from forming and holding onto those energies. 

The question was is house cleaning important in witchcraft? Yes it is. Witchcraft works from energy, you mold energy, you manifest it. When you first learn witchcraft you hear" keep positive" stay in the right state of mind, "release yourself of any negativity". Magick doesn't work properly when done with negativity, unless you use a negative form of magick. Here is a spell I use when I do my house cleaning. It is to empower your cleaning tools. Enjoy and happy cleaning.

Empowering Your Cleaning Supplies For Success

Moon Phase: New or Waxing
Day: Sunday, or Any
Planetary hour/Ruler: Sun or Jupitar
Angel of the Day: Michael
Candle Color: Orange
Quarter to open: South
Elements: Fire
Planetary Spirit: Astaroth
Deity: Lugh (Loo)
Totem Animal: Buffalo (abundance and good fortune)

Items needed: Gold ribbon, Basil, parsley, and willow leaves; lilac oil, mortar and pastel, a gold candle.

Gather all your cleaning supplies together. Put everything on your Altar or shrine. If you have no Altar then use a table top.

Open the Southern quarter and call upon Lugh.

Tie a piece of gold ribbon on each container. Crush the basil (for sympathy in objects and people), parsley (for prosperity), and the willow leaves ( for universal love and abundance) together with the mortar and pastel. Hold the mortar in your hands and ask Lugh to empower the herbs to bring success and universal love into your home. Add one drop of lilac oil for exorcism and protection. Sprinkle a little of the herb mix into each container ( if lids can be removed). Put some of the herb mix inside the bottom of the vacuum cleaner, or in a new vacuum bag.

 Dress and empower the gold candle with lilac oil in the name of Lugh and success.  Light the candle and hold it out and above your head. Ask Lugh to bless your home and cleaning supplies with success and universal love.

Cut an extra eleven-inch length of ribbon with your right hand. Hold the ribbon out before you and ask Lugh yo bless your home and bring success into your life. See the ribbon surrounded by the golden light of success. Tie the ribbon around your wrist. Say:

"Every time I touch ribbon, I bring success and universal love into my life."

With both hands out before you, project success and universal love into your cleaning supplies (do not forget the vacuum!).

Close the South quarter and thank Lugh for his participation. Discard or place herb mix in a container. Clean up.

Let the gold candle burn out until nothing remains. If you have a candle stub, bury it in your backyard, or in a flower pot in your apartment.

As you clean your home touch the gold ribbon and repeat the affirmation:

" In the name of Lugh, I bring success and universal love into my home."

*Note  Planetary hour/rule/spirit, animal totem, Day and Angle are optional. You do not have to follow. This is for those who go more in depth with planning out. If you wish, and I suggest doing so, do this after you have already personally cleansed yourself and anyone else who resides in the home!



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