Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Personal Cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing

What does it mean to cleanse yourself? Anyone?? I know what your thinking.." It is when you take a bath or shower and clean yourself".. Yes and no. The type of cleansing I am talking about is more then just a mere shower or bath. Although in some cases it is a bath or shower, but not a normal bath or shower. I use two ways to spiritually cleanse myself, there may be more ways out there I am sure, these two ways are by no means the only methods out there. I use a spiritual bath/shower, or a spell or ritual.

A spiritual bath, also called a cleansing bath, can be done when you perform a magickal working, or a quick way to rid yourself of the nasty little negative bugs you collected throughout your day. These baths are meant to relax and discard negative energies by using scented soaps, herbs, oils, or scented bath salts to cleanse your mind and body. This can be done before you do any type of ritual work, spell work, or house cleaning, both mundane and spiritual. Just make sure not to clean the bath tub first before you do a house cleaning. 

Another way of cleansing yourself, which I do before I do any type of house cleansing, is by spell or ritual form. Any kind of release spell or ritual should be done during the Full or Waning moon phases before the house cleansing. I usually do the spell a night or two before the New Moon, when a house cleaning is done. 

If you can possibly try, if you can, to do a personal cleansing before you begin cleansing your home. ( A spiritual bath is okay to do any moon phase since the oils, herbs and salts absorb the negative energy, but be sure to clean the tub as son as you are done.) If you do a spell or ritual to clean yourself of negative energy, then I suggest doing that a day or two before the new moon like I said above. If you clean your home both mundane and spiritually before you do the spell, releasing the negative energy from your body into the new positive energy of your home. Now you  have a new set of nasties floating about trying to latch onto the first spec of dust it can. There you go again sage wand and feather, cleansing all over again.

I do a personal/spiritual cleansing at least once a month or whenever I feel icky from a stressful day. If you live with others who are open to your path, lucky you!  Everyone in your home should cleanse themselves. If you do not live with others who are open, then try to stay clear of their negative behavior, and cleanse yourself when you see fit.

Here is a spell I use on me and my family before I do a house cleansing.

A Spell To Release Negativity

1 white candle
1 bay leaf
White flowers, preferably carnations 

When: the Waning Moon

* If the situation is pressing, you can do this spell anytime. But any spell used to release or cleanse is most powerful during the Waning Moon.

Place the bay leaf next to the vase of flowers and light your candle. Say aloud:

I now release (name situation)
and create positive energy to carry me forward.
I trust this is for my highest good
and I affirm my commitment to this new path.
I say so be it!

Let the candle burn out on its own. Toss out the bay leaf with the flowers when they die.

Remember there is many different methods to do a personal cleansing. In no way is this method the only one. I hope this spell can be useful to you and I enjoyed making this blog. Until next time!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fountain Meditation Part 3

Finally. Right. The last part of the meditation. This one is a tad bit more tricky for us newbies then for those who have been practicing for a while. 

Do the first two parts. Do not zip yourself up when you have completed part 2 of the meditation.We are going to continue.

When you have all the chakra balls (flowers, or spirals) spinning or open, let their colors flow into each other, like a giant, colorful waterfall or fountain. Hence the name the fountain meditation :)

When you have finished and feel satisfied then imagine a big zipper about the length of your body. To close up all your chakra centers, never leave them open. As before count down from ten to one. At one open your eyes and instruct yourself awake. That is it, it is done.

I hope you enjoyed doing this meditation. I know when I first did it I had a few problems. But I kept working at it and it never fails me. Use it for whatever purpose. It is a good way to ground and center. You can use it as a way to balance you chakra centers. This meditation is also good for children as well. 

If none of this meditation worked for you then go back to my previous post " Do meditations work". I list a few things that may keep a meditation from working. Take your time and trust yourself. Until next time! Farewell!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fountain Meditation Part 2

Now that you have done the first part it is time to do the second part of this meditation. Do the first part, but exclude the part where you zip yourself up. You will continue the fountain meditation by opening your chakras. The chakra areas can be seen as tumbling balls of glowing light, colorful spinning flowers or colorful spinning spirals of light.

Do part 1 and part 2 of the meditation together for seven days.

Begin at the crown of your head and envision a pure white spiral of sparkling light. Start the spiral spinning in a downward rotation, the spiral remains in place. When you have this center set in your mind (for children the flower is open in full bloom), continue to the next chakra. 

This one is purple and is located at the third eye area. When that one is spinning and stable, move to the next chakra. Take your time, be patience. No need to rush.

This one is azure blue and is located at the throat area.  When that one is spinning and stable, move on to the next chakra.

This one is bright green or warm pink and is located in the heart area. When this one is spinning and stable, move on to the next chakra.

This one is bright yellow, like the summer sunshine; located at the navel. When this is spinning and stable, move to the next chakra.

This one is going to be an orange color, like the setting sun, located between the navel and groin. When this one is spinning and stable, move to the last chakra.

The last one is going to be a crimson red located in the groin area. When this one is spinning and stable, envision the energies in your hands and feet as white spirals exploding into one white ball of light.

When you are done with this exercise envision yourself being zipped up like a sleeping bag. Count down from ten to one. At one open your eyes and instruct yourself t a waken.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Does Meditation Work?

This is a question mainly asked by new comers of the craft or by those pf other spiritual paths. Do meditations really work? This answer is different for every technique and person. There are literally hundreds of types of techniques out there. Not every meditation is made the same.

I have been doing meditations for six months now and I can honestly say yes, meditations do indeed work. Although my meditations are for beginners, they are still meditations. Anyone can do meditations. They can be as easy as breathing or have a slight bit of difficulty to them. If you have tried numerous meditations and yet nothing has occurred then think about why they may not be working. Here are some reasons why they ay not be working.

  • Illness- being sick can cloud up any ones mind, and can put an ickyness in the energy.
  • Exhaustion/Sleepiness- lack of sleep isn't good to begin with when dealing with any type of focus. If you try to meditate while being over tired and sleepy you will relax your body and may fall asleep. Do not get mad at yourself, its your body saying "hey get some sleep". 

  • Negative Mindset- This also is not good period, but if you enter a meditation with any type of negative or harmful mindset, it's sure to fail. Try grounding and centering yourself or taking a relaxing bath or shower.
  •  Wrong Type of Meditation- no meditation is truly wrong, but if you are highly stresses out and you do a meditation on boosting your energy, you are not only not getting rid of your stress, you are also giving yourself more energy. This can cause you to be frustrated. Make sure the meditation is right for whatever fits your purpose.
  •  Patience- when doing a meditation patience and focus are a big must! Do not rush your mind. Rushing your mind and body only adds more stress and can bring the meditation to fail. Give yourself the proper time to perform the meditation without rushing through it and leaving you with a " well that was a waste" feeling. Try to do this when yu are alone, or will be alone for about ten to fifteen minutes. 

What the reason, make sure you are in good health, have had plenty of sleep and have the meditation that suites your needs. If you have trouble visualizing do not give up, it take take up to one whole month for some before this is progressed.Keep your mind clear and positive and have plenty of patience with the meditation and yourself. You are sure to accomplish any meditation.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fountain Meditation Part 1

 I found this meditation in one of my first books I bought. It is from Silver RavenWolf's book To Ride A Silver Broomstick. It has three parts, each part is to be done weekly (i.e part one is done for 7 days, then part 2 is done for 7 days etc).

Repeat each part daily for better results. It may take more then a week for those that have trouble with visualizing, it can take up to thirty days. Be patient with yourself, never force anything. Let it all come natural.

Dim the lights, or you can do this with no light, dim light bulbs or by candle light. Whichever you prefer You can also add soft music as well.

Begin by closing your eyes and allowing your body to relax. You can use whatever relaxation technique you like. Breath deeply- in to the count of four, and out to the count of four- approximately ten times. Let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state of mind.

Make believe you are a fountain of sparkling blue light, or a waterfall. This  light springs from the top of your head and showers down your right side, swirls around your feet, and comes back up the left side. Watch this continuously flow of light, or water, from your third eye. 

When finished visualize yourself  being zipped up like a sleeping bag and counting back from ten to one. At one, open your eyes and instruct yourself to fully a waken.

Monday, July 8, 2013

New Moon Magick

The New Moon

Today is the new moon. She is 0% full. At this phase the moon is still dark. It is said to rise at sunrise and set at dusk. During the days of a new moon you can spot her in the blue sky. Some say it is good luck if you spot her at times it can be hard. The moons' unilluminated side is facing the Earth. At night she is not visible (except during solar eclipse) .

The moon is at 0-45 degrees of the sun. Its apex is at mid-day or noon.

New moon is good for those who wish to draw in something or manifest. It is used for personal growth, healing, blessing new projects or ventures, job opportunity, start new projects, new beginnings, cleansing and purifying of the body and mind, rituals that designate sacred space, any magic related to inner harmony and peace.

Anything can happen when you practice magick. Add a little touch of new moon to your spell or ritual and amplify your workings. At time she can be tricky to work with since you can not see her, but do not let that discourage you. You know she is there waiting for you to use her.  

Alittle Pagan History Part 1

Before I begin I just wanted to give my little sister a quick hello and I love you. I hope you enjoy reading this and learn from it :)

What is Paganism?

Many have asked and answered this question in many different ways. There is no wrong way to answer. Of course if you tke out the history of paganism and just add your own mombo jumbo then it may be wrong.

Paganism is basically the trunk to a giant tree. There are many different branches to paganism. Each branch has a different form of belief, deity, and way of life. But, each are almost similar in some ways. Paganism has different meanings to everyone. To me it is a way of life based on per-christian  dates. I say based because there are really no ancient documents, at least not very many on  some cultures like the Druids, stating how paganism was back in the ancient times. Most information we have today was handed down from generation after generation. Some information may have come from art, stories and even some hand written documents.

Here is some history on Paganism. It is not all the history, but it is enough for some basic knowledge.

Some believe it all began in 10,000 B.C during the Paleolithic Age. The people were called nomadic, they hunted for food and followed the herds when they migrated. This is said to be when the God of the Hunt made his first appearance.Men followed the sun, the stag horn God, and the language of animals were crucial to survival. The women of this time  were seen as child bearers and healers. They looked after the entire tribe and were said to be very powerful. The women also knew there was a connection between the lunar cycle and their bodies.

In 8,000-7,500 B.C is when agriculture was discovered by pure accident. The food that women stored under the ground began to grow. This action brought about the Mystery of Fertility. The Goddess of the Lunar Cult developed. Men did not really understand their role in creation until this time. Men and women both worked together and stopped following the herds for food. At doing this, the people became "paganized", pagan meaning country dweller. They began to discover the mysteries of life, death and rebirth.

People began migrating from many places to settle in Rome. Those from Greece came with similar beliefs as the Romans. Also, nomadic Eutruscans came to Rome from Asia Minor. The people were very well versed with the aspects of magick and divination. The came those of British Isles, who may also have discovered agriculture around the same time as the Indo-Europeans, now called Celts. Also the Mediranian Cult of the Dead. They were spiritual people with knowledge on death and reincarnation. They continued  to spread all over New Europe. They shared information with the Celts, soon becoming Druids. They over see the rights of pagans.

6,500-4,500 B.C Druids were mostly of men but allowed women to become Priestess. The rement in solar/lunar cults that dealt with animals, herbs and mysteries, who intertwined in the pagan community. During this time with different people traveling back and forth sharing information and magick, three major groups developed.

  • The Druids- They mainly held mens mysteries of Cult of the Dead.
  • The Wice- They held mystery teachings of the solar/lunar cults. Mostly of women, mostly matrufocal. They were Goddess worshipers.
  • The Pagans- They were known as common folk, they were balanced and polaric. They sought out wisdom and knowledge from the Druids and the Wice.

Alittle Pagan History Part 2

 In 0A.C.E-650 A.C.E the old testement was being written in the Middle East. After Christs' death, people spread around and eventually came to Rome beginning the mass conversion. First to convert were the rulers, Kings and Queens, by using money and bribery. Pagans would have to convert since they depended on the ruler for survival. Pagan temples were destroyed, Christian churches were built on pagan holy grounds. The pagans were forced to build the churches incorporating many symbols into the churches, which can still be seen today.

In 1100 A.C.E the dark ages began, no writing was done during this time. It was as id " lights went out". When light returned the pagan text was gone and Christian conversions began. When Christians saw their new way of life was failing among pagans, they began asserting that the pagans worshiped and consorted with the "devil". The Inquisition begins.
In 1494, two monks, who were inquisitors of Papal Bull of Innocents the VIII, by names of Kramer and Springer. The produced the book Malleus Maleficarum. " The Witch Hammer"laid the groundwork to rein terror that swept Europe into the 18th century, known as the burning times 9 million men, women and children (estimated) were held prisoner, stripped, starved, deprived of sleep, and tortured beyond human comprehension just to obtain a confession of witchcraft. They were later strangled or burned at the stake. Eventually the Malleus Maleficarum was rejected by the council for being bias and hearsay. The last known witch to die under the Malleus Maleficarum was 1747 in Australia.

This forced Crafters to go underground because of persecution until 1951, when the last Anti-Witchcraft law was lifted in England.

A man named Gerald Gardner came from underground and soon published a book titled " High Magicks Aid" as a fiction book under his witch name Scyer. In 1952 came his non-fiction book titled "Witchcraft Today". This began the New Age Religion of Wicca.
Wicca became legalized in 1985 as a religion. Since then it has grown in both North America and Europe. There is estimated approximately 450,000 pagans and Wicca in North America, making 2% of the population. That number is believed to be higher.

Pagan traditions are just as much part of today's cultures as it was in ancient times, just hidden. Whether you are pagan or Christian, there is still a smudge of pagan origins, most just do not notice or want to realize the truth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time is on my side

Well I want to begin by saying welcome to my blog. I hope you find this blog insightful in both ways of maybe expanding your spiritual self and practice. As you can see I have only two blog posts at this time. This is because I have been working more on pages to this blog. 

For those of you who come by and visit, please be patient with me. I still have a few more pages to create before I begin with the actual blogging. I will though go ahead and post a mediation I will perform for one week. I will post the instructions to the meditation and the effects it has on my daily life. It has three parts so this one meditation will go for three weeks. Once I have the first couple of meditations down and all my pages created I will begin with the actual blogging part. 

If you do not see information here and you wish to see it feel free to comment or message me and I will do my best at finding it and placing it on here for all to read. I hope we can all learn from each other. Also feel free to add me to face book at  https://www.facebook.com/iris.phoenixwolf.  

Merry Met and Merry Part to you all!!! 

<3 Iris PhoenixWolf <3