Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fountain Meditation Part 1

 I found this meditation in one of my first books I bought. It is from Silver RavenWolf's book To Ride A Silver Broomstick. It has three parts, each part is to be done weekly (i.e part one is done for 7 days, then part 2 is done for 7 days etc).

Repeat each part daily for better results. It may take more then a week for those that have trouble with visualizing, it can take up to thirty days. Be patient with yourself, never force anything. Let it all come natural.

Dim the lights, or you can do this with no light, dim light bulbs or by candle light. Whichever you prefer You can also add soft music as well.

Begin by closing your eyes and allowing your body to relax. You can use whatever relaxation technique you like. Breath deeply- in to the count of four, and out to the count of four- approximately ten times. Let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state of mind.

Make believe you are a fountain of sparkling blue light, or a waterfall. This  light springs from the top of your head and showers down your right side, swirls around your feet, and comes back up the left side. Watch this continuously flow of light, or water, from your third eye. 

When finished visualize yourself  being zipped up like a sleeping bag and counting back from ten to one. At one, open your eyes and instruct yourself to fully a waken.

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