Monday, July 8, 2013

New Moon Magick

The New Moon

Today is the new moon. She is 0% full. At this phase the moon is still dark. It is said to rise at sunrise and set at dusk. During the days of a new moon you can spot her in the blue sky. Some say it is good luck if you spot her at times it can be hard. The moons' unilluminated side is facing the Earth. At night she is not visible (except during solar eclipse) .

The moon is at 0-45 degrees of the sun. Its apex is at mid-day or noon.

New moon is good for those who wish to draw in something or manifest. It is used for personal growth, healing, blessing new projects or ventures, job opportunity, start new projects, new beginnings, cleansing and purifying of the body and mind, rituals that designate sacred space, any magic related to inner harmony and peace.

Anything can happen when you practice magick. Add a little touch of new moon to your spell or ritual and amplify your workings. At time she can be tricky to work with since you can not see her, but do not let that discourage you. You know she is there waiting for you to use her.  

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