Monday, July 8, 2013

Alittle Pagan History Part 1

Before I begin I just wanted to give my little sister a quick hello and I love you. I hope you enjoy reading this and learn from it :)

What is Paganism?

Many have asked and answered this question in many different ways. There is no wrong way to answer. Of course if you tke out the history of paganism and just add your own mombo jumbo then it may be wrong.

Paganism is basically the trunk to a giant tree. There are many different branches to paganism. Each branch has a different form of belief, deity, and way of life. But, each are almost similar in some ways. Paganism has different meanings to everyone. To me it is a way of life based on per-christian  dates. I say based because there are really no ancient documents, at least not very many on  some cultures like the Druids, stating how paganism was back in the ancient times. Most information we have today was handed down from generation after generation. Some information may have come from art, stories and even some hand written documents.

Here is some history on Paganism. It is not all the history, but it is enough for some basic knowledge.

Some believe it all began in 10,000 B.C during the Paleolithic Age. The people were called nomadic, they hunted for food and followed the herds when they migrated. This is said to be when the God of the Hunt made his first appearance.Men followed the sun, the stag horn God, and the language of animals were crucial to survival. The women of this time  were seen as child bearers and healers. They looked after the entire tribe and were said to be very powerful. The women also knew there was a connection between the lunar cycle and their bodies.

In 8,000-7,500 B.C is when agriculture was discovered by pure accident. The food that women stored under the ground began to grow. This action brought about the Mystery of Fertility. The Goddess of the Lunar Cult developed. Men did not really understand their role in creation until this time. Men and women both worked together and stopped following the herds for food. At doing this, the people became "paganized", pagan meaning country dweller. They began to discover the mysteries of life, death and rebirth.

People began migrating from many places to settle in Rome. Those from Greece came with similar beliefs as the Romans. Also, nomadic Eutruscans came to Rome from Asia Minor. The people were very well versed with the aspects of magick and divination. The came those of British Isles, who may also have discovered agriculture around the same time as the Indo-Europeans, now called Celts. Also the Mediranian Cult of the Dead. They were spiritual people with knowledge on death and reincarnation. They continued  to spread all over New Europe. They shared information with the Celts, soon becoming Druids. They over see the rights of pagans.

6,500-4,500 B.C Druids were mostly of men but allowed women to become Priestess. The rement in solar/lunar cults that dealt with animals, herbs and mysteries, who intertwined in the pagan community. During this time with different people traveling back and forth sharing information and magick, three major groups developed.

  • The Druids- They mainly held mens mysteries of Cult of the Dead.
  • The Wice- They held mystery teachings of the solar/lunar cults. Mostly of women, mostly matrufocal. They were Goddess worshipers.
  • The Pagans- They were known as common folk, they were balanced and polaric. They sought out wisdom and knowledge from the Druids and the Wice.

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