Monday, July 8, 2013

Alittle Pagan History Part 2

 In 0A.C.E-650 A.C.E the old testement was being written in the Middle East. After Christs' death, people spread around and eventually came to Rome beginning the mass conversion. First to convert were the rulers, Kings and Queens, by using money and bribery. Pagans would have to convert since they depended on the ruler for survival. Pagan temples were destroyed, Christian churches were built on pagan holy grounds. The pagans were forced to build the churches incorporating many symbols into the churches, which can still be seen today.

In 1100 A.C.E the dark ages began, no writing was done during this time. It was as id " lights went out". When light returned the pagan text was gone and Christian conversions began. When Christians saw their new way of life was failing among pagans, they began asserting that the pagans worshiped and consorted with the "devil". The Inquisition begins.
In 1494, two monks, who were inquisitors of Papal Bull of Innocents the VIII, by names of Kramer and Springer. The produced the book Malleus Maleficarum. " The Witch Hammer"laid the groundwork to rein terror that swept Europe into the 18th century, known as the burning times 9 million men, women and children (estimated) were held prisoner, stripped, starved, deprived of sleep, and tortured beyond human comprehension just to obtain a confession of witchcraft. They were later strangled or burned at the stake. Eventually the Malleus Maleficarum was rejected by the council for being bias and hearsay. The last known witch to die under the Malleus Maleficarum was 1747 in Australia.

This forced Crafters to go underground because of persecution until 1951, when the last Anti-Witchcraft law was lifted in England.

A man named Gerald Gardner came from underground and soon published a book titled " High Magicks Aid" as a fiction book under his witch name Scyer. In 1952 came his non-fiction book titled "Witchcraft Today". This began the New Age Religion of Wicca.
Wicca became legalized in 1985 as a religion. Since then it has grown in both North America and Europe. There is estimated approximately 450,000 pagans and Wicca in North America, making 2% of the population. That number is believed to be higher.

Pagan traditions are just as much part of today's cultures as it was in ancient times, just hidden. Whether you are pagan or Christian, there is still a smudge of pagan origins, most just do not notice or want to realize the truth.

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