Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Time is on my side

Well I want to begin by saying welcome to my blog. I hope you find this blog insightful in both ways of maybe expanding your spiritual self and practice. As you can see I have only two blog posts at this time. This is because I have been working more on pages to this blog. 

For those of you who come by and visit, please be patient with me. I still have a few more pages to create before I begin with the actual blogging. I will though go ahead and post a mediation I will perform for one week. I will post the instructions to the meditation and the effects it has on my daily life. It has three parts so this one meditation will go for three weeks. Once I have the first couple of meditations down and all my pages created I will begin with the actual blogging part. 

If you do not see information here and you wish to see it feel free to comment or message me and I will do my best at finding it and placing it on here for all to read. I hope we can all learn from each other. Also feel free to add me to face book at  https://www.facebook.com/iris.phoenixwolf.  

Merry Met and Merry Part to you all!!! 

<3 Iris PhoenixWolf <3

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